Saturday, May 9, 2009

Encounter With Nature

Okay - this morning while preparing to cook lunch, my mother washed a head of ice-berg lettuce. Guess what she saw in the process. A worm! An earthworm, yes, about 6-7cm in length. Then there was another, and another, and another, and ANOTHER, and so on until there were 6 of them little critters! So she took them out for me to ogle at; we put them in a plastic container.
And here I have a video of me holding the worms container.
Never seen (HEARD) me being squeamish??
Here's your chance!!

1. I did a bit of editing but I didn't do a very good job out of it. Besides, I already exceeded my weekend computer time so I finished it very hastily.
2. You're going to notice that after the soundtrack has ended the clip is still going on. To heck with it, I couldn't be bothered anymore.
3. There's going to be a lot of senseless screaming, and parts of it should have been removed because, aiming tersasar. But like I said, I could no longer be bothered.

So here we go!
-Presented to you by nxy = mx2+cx-

1 comment:

Cara Ooi said...

OMFG Hilarious! :D :D :D