Wednesday, March 11, 2009


When your best friends fail you . . .
I got 43 for BM?
When you turn out to be so wrong . . .
I was THIS CLOSE to failing!
When everything you believe in just falls apart around you . . .
How did that even happen??
How does that ever happen??
When life turns its back against you . . .
Oh well!
All you have to do is to get up.
I'm sure I won't do so abysmally for the next one.
All you have to do is believe.
Jia you!!
And you will smile again.


Carmen C. said...

hey don't worry alright? u can always talk to me. i'm here to listen. =) things like this always happen but wth its life. stand up strong and nothing can be against u. btw happy birthday in advance!

NXY said...

so i take it you saw what i meant?

Carmen C. said...
