Oh I haven't been updating for quite some time; it's partly because I've been very lazy even when there's actually alot to blog about, mostly because now everytime I come online I have to go for my iSketch session!! It's fun and very addictive~
So that explains why I haven't been doing my blog-reading lately, and now that I'm doing it, I realize that Julia has me tagged!! So I'm doing it now>>>
Remove one question from below and add in a personal question, making it a total of 19 questions. (There's somemore but I won't include them.)
1) What is it that bothers you the most?
Humiliating incidents. Some haunt me for a very long time before I actually feel fine again.
2) What is your most favourite thing to do?
Uh...there're so many things I love to do laa. I really can't decide!!
3) What kind of news do you read?
Usually I don't bother reading any kind of news, but articles that catch my eye are probably the ones that feature possible life in outer space!!
4) What is your ultimate wish?
I want to be a supergenius!! No matter if I have to die early for that~
5) Is there someone in your heart right now?
o.O Apa kaitan with you??
6) Do you believe you can survive without money?
Don't be silly; NOBODY can survive without money!
7) Are you afraid of pain?
Oh, pain is EXCITEMENT!! Embrace it!
8) What do you feel like doing right now?
Uh...I'm currently having an impulsive urge to end all my music lessons so I could have a REAL stress-free holiday!!!
9) If there's someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
I would, given that any of the following conditions is satisfied:
i - The end of the world is around the corner.
ii - It is most likely that I will never see that person ever again.
iii- I know that the person feels the same way about me =)
10) List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Julia is...brilliant, chatty, and friendly! xD
11) What are your 5 most passionate things at the moment?
a - Kyle XY
b - Dr. McDreamy
c - Somebody
d - Uh...
e - Holidays
12) What is the thing that will make you think that he/she is bad?
Betraying a friend/Being a two-faced, insincere hypocrite.
13) If you had you eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Egg-and-cheese XP
14) If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
Happy laa =)
15) If you had a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
I would definitely like to be a more funny, humourous person!!
16) Will you ever leave your blog to die?
You know what? Ask again later.
17) What is the one thing you love about yourself?
I dunno. My compassion??
18) If you can bring only one thing along with you to another world, what would it be?
My dog??? o.O
19) Personal question: How personal are you?
Hahah okay I can get very personal, depending on how much you want to know!!
20) I tag -
Nobody in particular. Do this if you like.