Friday, March 6, 2009

Letter-tag: X

Okay, I'm going to attempt this very difficult letter-tag. This is a follow-up of the first one.
Now I'm going to do another one with X as requested by Carmen!! Let's gooo:
1. Your name : Xing Yii
2. A four letter word : X-ray
3. A boy's name : Xage (gOogled)
4. A girl's name : Xena (the PRINCESS WARRIOR!)
5. An occupation : X-ray interpreter
6. A colour : SO FUNNY =.=
7. Something you wear : X-Men costume~
8. A type of food : Xio bak
9. Something found in the bathroom : X-brand shampoo
10. A place : Xerox Headquarters
11. A reason for being late : X-factor. SERIOUSLY.
12. Something you shout : XING YII IS VERY LOGICAL!!
13. A movie title : X-Men =D
14: Something you drink : XO (yes la it's something alcoholic)
15. A musical group : X (really okay it's a band from US)
16. An animal : X-ray fish (also real; gOogled)
17. A street name : Xilin Avenue - Singapore
18. A type of car : Xpeedy car (I'm out of ideas alright)
19. A song title : Xanadu??
20: A verb : Xigh . . . so hard!!
Hahah I'm done. Google rocks!! (more than Rachel does anyway)
Without GOogle I couldn't have completed this at all!


Esther said...

X is hard- I salute you for even taking taking up the challenge!!!

Tysle said...

Lol, I can't decide whether you have the more worse letter to complete the tag with or Shu Zian. xD

NXY said...

X is alot harder than Z okay!! =D

Anonymous said...

oh x is definitely the most difficult. good job.
-your friendly neighbourhood x-man-