Friday, September 12, 2008

...and farewell to my favourite leader

I think I've told quite alot of people already, but now I'm going to officially announce it!
Okay - maybe it's nothing really great
as we are the tiniest, weeniest badan beruniform there is...
But I am happy because I am going to be leading an orchestra!
(Even though it's not, well - very big at all=D
Yesss I feel kinda esctatic when I think about it ^^
I can't wait for next year to begin!!

However, as excited I am over this,
it kinda, um... brings my Cloud 9 crash-landing
when I realize what else it means.
It means that it's time for the From 5's to leave...
It means that it's time for Su Quin and Patsy and Xin Ling and Xin Min and, most sadly, Julin to go. I will miss them all so dreadfully!! They made the most noise and brought the most laughter. The rest of us don't really talk very much. This year's F5's were the ones who held us together as a team. I wonder how it will be without them??

But...more signficantly,
we will be losing a leader.
She was (IS!) wonderful; an excellent violininst, and a terrific leader.
She's been leading us ever since she was in Form 2...
We've had other good leaders, sure, but she was the greatest!
She always insipres me; she always makes me feel that anything can be done if you set your mind to it; she is Lee Julin; and I just LOVE HER!!
I really wish she didn't have too leave..but yeahh how can that be in any way possible?

Something that troubles me more is that...
I am not a great leader
I have not really lead anything
I've not achieved anything great in my life
So how will I look as president right after Julin??
(and to make things worst, I wasn't Vice this year, so what would I know about leading??)
Of course I will try my best...but even if I did, I will never be even half as good as her!
I doubt if I can do it...?

Right now I can only pray
that somehow, I will eventually (but soon enough) find my way

Goodbye, Lee Julin...


Anonymous said...

way to go! good job on landing the president post. you'll make a great leader so long as you lead with your heart and your head, not favouring one over the other. all the best!

-your friendly neighbourhood musicfreak-

Anonymous said...

Hey XY, we'll miss all of you too! Don't worry, we'll be fine. I'm sure the members will cooperate. All the best to you!

Esther said...

Julin is definitely a good leader, but though you're not like her, you're a great leader in your own way too! You're quiet, but you know how to keep your head on! Besides, you're crazy too. :P

Anonymous said...

You'll do Great dear! :)

Don't worry about not having much past experiences, I'm sure you'll be a good leader for your strings.

NXY said...

hehheh rlly??

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll be wonderful. :D Experience doesn't matter that much when you're leading something you love. :) All the best!